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Length of Life Services with Ancient Astrology and BaZi

Over these past 6-7 years, I have been contacted by a lot of folks with questions about determining the length of life through Astrology. People from as far as Southeastern China, India, South Africa, different parts of Europe and the United States, among others, have written to me asking details about my Astrology length of life services.


Not every type of Astrology can actually calculate the length of life

I have written many times about this: Astrology is divided into various types and branches. Not all of them can actually calculate the length of life on a consistent basis. Modern Western astrology absolutely cannot perform accurate longevity calculations. It was never designed to do that. It lacks both the techniques and the philosophy behind them.

Indian Astrology (I can only comment on the Parashara branch I have studied) can calculate the length of life. Of course, a lot depends on the skill and training of the astrologer. Having said that, I have found Jyotish unsatisfactory in providing me with consistent results. Vimshottari Dashas and ingresses are not enough in my experience to reliably calculate the length of life. If it gets combined with Jaimini or  with the Perso-Arabic Tajika, I’d be more confident.

As far as Chinese Astrology is concerned, even though I have studied Zi Wei Dou Shu (Emperor Astrology) for some time, I can only speak about the BaZi/Four Pillars of Destiny type. I have checked its accuracy with hundreds of charts and have been very impressed. Four Pillars of Destiny, however, is not self-sufficient and reliable enough in itself for calculating the length of life. While I can easily show 20-30 or more cases where death is easily seen and hence predictable with BaZi, I can show more nativities where this is not the case. Explaining why is not the goal of this article. What I can say is that, due to the highly different nature of Chinese Astrology, incorporating BaZi with Ancient Western Astrology, and subordinating it to it, is the best combination I have come across for longevity calculations.


There are many ancient astrological techniques for calculation of the length of life

Since my blog is primarily for Ancient Western Astrology, I have written enough articles about predicting death and calculating the length of life. What readers need to know is that there are many systems for longevity calculations in this branch. I am one of very few serious astrologers in the world who has devoted years in studying and mastering, as much as possible, all of the preserved techniques. I can easily apply at least 9 different ancient astrological techniques for determining the length of life.




Length of life services







Why it is dangerous to know some Astrology when it comes to predicting death

A few of those people who contacted me to inquire about my length of life services have some astrological knowledge. The problem, as I have said, is that Astrology is difficult. As such, having some knowledge may actually put the given native at a disadvantage. These people have these bits of knowledge or modern assumptions about Ancient Astrology. As such, they (falsely) believe they have a natal chart which promises a short life. They base this conclusion on some rules which they have only learned in part and do not know the exceptions. Or vice versa, they (wrongly) believe their horoscope promises a long life but would like to check whether this is true. Their astrological beliefs are founded on erroneous deductions.

To get into specifics, the benefic planets do not always have the ability to protect the life. Likewise, the malefic planets do not always have the ability to cut short/destroy the life. There are many rules and exceptions to these. The astrologer must be well versed in the ancient methods in order to comprehend them. Even if they do, however, these factors are only a part of the puzzle. I can show natal charts where it is actually the benefic planets, or the Sun, or the Moon, that kill.

I can also show natal charts where the malefic planets do not kill. Astrology is difficult because in this case it predominantly deals with gauging the level of vitality a person has. And this is a tricky job. Some factors indicate that the native will be close to death many times and yet survive. Others indicate that the native will be generally healthy and yet their death will be sudden, etc.



Astrology is huge

I have also repeatedly mentioned in my articles that Astrology is huge. It contains millions or more possible chart configurations/dispositios/horoscopic combinations. It is the purpose of the experienced and dedicated astrologer to begin recognizing these and categorizing them.

  • Some of them are extremely difficult outright
  • Others appear average but turn out to be difficult
  • Others appear difficult but turn out to be average
  • Others are average and remain average in difficulty
  • Others are easier and remain so

This is a very difficult and time consuming process that is certainly not for everyone. It takes a few weeks of intense work to do all the length of life calculations for a single chart.



Mastery of birth time rectification as a necessity for predicting death with Astrology

Another important factor is that to actually offer astrological longevity services, one must also be a master in performing birth time rectification. There are many cases where the time of birth is off by minutes, hours or totally unknown. Unless the astrologer can accurately and consistently rectify horoscopes, they cannot put themselves in a position to deal with astrological longevity calculations. I am the first astrological practitioner in centuries or possibly in recorded (Western) history to offer a 24 hour Western astrological rectification course.




Actual length of life services, not writing tricks due to SEO optimisation

Unlike many, many sites in the West and East that only mention “calculating life expectancy with astrology”, “determining length of with astrology” and so on, but do not contain any serious material on the subject, and instead write these descriptions and tags due to search engine optimization, anyone can check out the articles I’ve shared on the length of life topic over the years. In this way, the person will be able to compare how many other astrologers not only offer such comprehensiveness and depth in their materials, but actually offer length of life services with Astrology.

These are my credentials for offering services to calculate the lifespan with Astrology.

My usual thanks to website and the author for the free picture:


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