This article is about how to predict death in the family from someone else’s chart with Ancient Astrology. I show how to predict the death of the father, mother, siblings, and wife/spouse in Richard Nixon’s life, by using his own horoscope.
Special note:
This article is only meant for Pre-Graduating Higher Selves of the Matrix V Project. If you are not such an incarnation, I suggest you skip this material. If you do choose to read on, you run the risk of shattering your relevant belief systems and upsetting your body’s DNA commands.
Yesterday morning upon waking up, I was prompted to write this material. It is meant for Pre-Graduating Higher Selves, as the Author of Matrix 5 calls them, regardless of how advanced the incarnation reading it. The more advanced it is though, the more it will resonate with shim as it is ultimately Spirit ID oriented.
Time is running short, EndGame has been accelerating and this information being precious, it is about time it saw the light of day so to say.
Dialogue with the Angel of Death
Angel of Death (AD): “So, to save your sister you will threaten to stop all death.”
Piper (an extremely powerful witch): “You got it”.
Angel of Death: “That is rather selfish of you don’t you think? Unless of course you think death is pointless.
Piper: “Well I…
Angel of Death: “It is not you know. Far from it. Life only has meaning specifically because there is an end. Death is what forces people to live…
Piper: “Yes, but…
Angel of Death: “Which means that ending death, effectively ends life. Throws off the entire Cosmic Design; the whole point. And for what? A single fleeting life. This is bigger than your sister, Piper. Much bigger.”
TV series Charmed, Season 7, episode 5, “Styx Feet Under”.
Predicting death is one of the most difficult things in Astrology
Predicting death is one of the most difficult things in Astrology. There exists no other reliable and provable method on this planet to do so. Predicting death from the chart of someone else is even more difficult. Yet it is possible and it serves to show how incredibly intertwined the destinies of Spirits participating in a Galaxy 3D Game are.
How can otherwise one possibly come to grips with the fact that decades before the birth of a person’s child, many years later when that same person becomes a parent (or if they have siblings too, as one can see their death from his own chart as you will see, as one does not have to breed of course, but you get the point) his/her children’s death will be present in that native’s chart.
In fact, even the death of the parents of the native in question will be shown in the natal chart from the moment of their birth. Of course whether one has the ability to notice this is another matter altogether. The point is it is there.
I have decided that I don’t want to write about living natives when illustrating such powerful techniques. I don’t want potential trouble either. I will be using the chart of US president Richard Nixon. I have other charts which I might share some other time, but this one should really do, as I will show 6 cases of death from a single chart.
Modifying the technique for predicting death of parents to predict the death of other family members
Now, generally the technique pertains to the parents of the native and who will die first – the father or the mother. However, it can be used for other members of the family such as siblings, grandparents etc, or even very close friends of the native, but it is more difficult and the differentiation is problematic. The reasons is because they are directly not as important to the native astrologically as the parents are, so therefore I will start with the parents.
The technique on how to predict death is found in ancient astrological texts, but I have somewhat refined it further. For the sake my readers being able to understand my writing, I will be using modern terminology. Keep in mind though that it is totally wrong and I otherwise use the ancient, correct one. I will also be including only the necessary planets and points and will be giving formulas.
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto have no power in predicting death in Ancient Astrology
You will notice that the modern planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not included. The reason is because they are not needed and that they do NOT rule signs. Therefore they are largely unnecessary, provided that one really gets into Ancient Astrology.
Whole sign houses for predicting death
One more very important thing is the usage of the so called “Whole Sign Houses” system. There are no houses but topical places. The sign is the house, no cusps. So if the Asc is at 28 Virgo all of Virgo is the 1st house. The second house is all 30 degrees of Libra and likewise for the other signs.
Using whole sign houses is a must. You no doubt know that the simpler the thing the more powerful it is. This is very true in Astrology, and it is the queen of the sciences.
Ignore planetary aspects unless in special circumstances
Also, planetary aspects are the last thing looked at in Ancient Astrology and their role is minor unless in the following special circumstances:
- 3 degree application
- being in one sign and also being in the 4th, or 7th and especially 10th sign from another planet or place
Aspects only tell us how planets relate, but we need to know who is who, who is where and who relates to whom and how, by nature, rulership and reception first, before we look at the way they relate.
It is in fact best to work without the degrees of the planets, as will be shown in the Hellenistic chart, and to closely observe the nativity as well as its dynamic unfolding, that is, how the chart moves in the life of the native and the planets change roles in ruling the life.
Theoretical part on how to predict death in the family from someone else’s chart
To be successful in predicting death in Astrology, one needs to employ the full array of techniques as well as pay particular attention to derived houses and to significators, be accidental, specific, or universal. It is not that the technique of how to predict death is a secret. It is just that one really needs to study in depth and follow a given natal chart closely, as death is pretty much like other accidents and the chart rarely “screams” so to say when showing death. Therefore one can often fail to see death in the horoscope.
I will be showing how to time the year of death of a person in your family from your own astrological natal chart with ancient astrological methods. Needless to say, you must have an accurate time of birth. A lot of work is required to time the month of death in Astrology, and is in a way more difficult and time consuming. Therefore the year should do for now, as it will become too long.
I have to say that by technique, I am showing what I myself use and it is a mixture of a few ancient authors (sources will be given) and my own experience. You will not find exactly this combination of components in an author. There inevitably comes the time to weigh and compare the testimonies and give final judgement. This cannot be learned from books. Astrology uses quality for the most part and it cannot be really measured, but it also uses quantity, and that makes it difficult.
Vettius Valens’ method for predicting the death of parents
I start with Vettius Valens’s Anthology Book II chapters 31-34, translated by Robert Schmidt. A free full translation of the 9 books is available here. However, I warn you that the translation has some mistakes as Mark Riley is not an astrologer. Nevertheless, his wording is a delight to read, whereas Schmidt’s style is on occasions too literal and somewhat terse. Thus it is better to have both translations of Valens.
In a nutshell, whoever of the Sun or Saturn is configured with the Moon by sign (forget so called orbs, unless it is 3 degrees as said) or is ruled by the Moon, be it domicile, exaltation or triplicity, shows the father.
Whoever of the Moon or Venus is likewise configured with the Sun shows the mother. Whoever of the significators of the father or mother is in a worse condition, that parent will die first.
The Lot of the Father and of the Mother and the Lot of the Death of the Father and of the Mother
To this I add the Lot of the Father (Asc+Saturn-Sun in a day chart, reverse (R) the position of Sun and Saturn in a night chart) and the Lot of the Mother (Asc+Moon-Venus in a day chart R by night).
Also the Lot of the Death of the Father (Asc+Jupiter-Saturn R) and the Lot of the Death of the Mother (Asc+Saturn-Venus R). As it is implied, these last two Lots and their lords are used for timing.
Again, whoever of the Lots or its rulers is in a worse condition, that parent will die first.
Then there are various aphorisms which can be applied, but one must use discernment and subordinate them properly to the major ones given.
Note: I am using Regulus Astrology‘s rectified chart (11 min. 15 seconds earlier than the birth certificate), to whom I owe my big thanks for his work and hold in very high regard.
Practical part on how to predict death of the parents from someone else’s chart: Richard Nixon’s horoscope
Here is the Hellenistic chart with the added necessary Lots and lunation:
So by using Ancient Astrology on Richard Nixon’s natal chart, one sees that it is a night chart, the Moon is in aversion (cannot see, therefore no aspect) to the Sun. The Moon is configured to Saturn, receives Saturn by exaltation, applying to him and he is the universal significator of the father in a night chart. This shows without a doubt that Saturn signifies Nixon’s father in a general way.
Venus is configured to the Sun so she signifies the mother. Again, this is in a general way, as the Moon is averse to the Sun.
Saturn is cadent and contrary to the sect of the chart and retrograde. Whereas Venus is of the sect of the chart, angular, in its exaltation and triplicity.
This is one clear indication that the father will die before the mother.
Moreover, Saturn is with the Lot of the Father who is of course also cadent. Whereas the Lot of the Mother is angular. This is further indication that the father will die before the mother.
However, it is not that strong, as Mars is scrutinizing/aspecting within 3 degrees the Lot of the Mother. It is also square to Venus, the lord of the Lot of the Father. On the other hand, Mercury ruling the Lot of the Mother is in aversion to both malefics, although it is in antiscion with Mars.
This is again a slight indication that the mother will outlive the father.
So only after this solid base (and it is not in all cases clear, sometimes the parents die very close to one another and the chart of a person from the family is muddy and extremely difficult to read, unless one resorts to timing techniques which is very time consuming), do I add aphorisms.
Ancient astrological aphorisms for which of the parents will die first
1) If the malefics aspect both Lots of the parents then see which of the Lights (you see this is a different technique using the Sun for the father and the Moon for the mother regardless of sect, yet when combined with another, it can really help) will reach the IC first by primary motion. Or could be the Dsc if one Light is above horizon, as both the Dsc and IC signify death in ancient Astrology.
This is from the book Carmen Astrologicum by Dorotheus of Sidon, chapter 15, page 176, translated by David Pingree.
So both malefics aspect or are present with the Lots and the Sun will reach the IC, which shows the father will die before the mother.
2) I will quote this verbatim as Valens can be and is extremely tricky in his wording. This is from the Anthology Book II, page 69, chapter 34, translated by R. Schmidt:
“If the Moon should be waxing as well as if the birth should be at a conjunction, and one of the destroyers should look upon the first Whole Moon, when it takes place in a feminine zoidion, it will indicate the predeceasing of the mother; but in a masculine zoidion, of the father”.
It is a conjunctional birth (16 Capricorn), the Moon is waxing and I have marked the Full Moon after birth which falls at 2 Leo, which is a masculine sign. Note that Saturn is overcoming Leo by sign and not only that but it is in partile antiscion of the next Full Moon. This really strengthens the indication that the father will die before the mother.
This makes at least 3 or 4 solid indications that the father will die before the mother, and so it happened of course.
Timing the prediction of death/determining when death will occur
When this will happen is a matter of timing therefore one needs to closely examine the planets Ruling the Times, which can very rarely be done without resorting to other calculations.
How to predict death of father
I am profecting the Lot of the Father as per the medieval astrologer Umar al Tabari from Ben Dykes’s translation of Persian Nativities II.
In 1956, when the father died, Richard Nixon was in an 8th place profection year. Thus the Lot comes to the 8th from itself where malefic Mars is.
Moreover as you see, Mars took over the Decennials (a Rulers of the Times technique given by Valens whose own application I use, rather than that of Hephaistio or Firmicus) as major lord and days before the death Mercury started distributing the months of Mars. Mars in the 4th shows illness to the parents (more to the father as the IC sign is masculine and Mars is in the 8th from the Lot) and by general signification can show death among the parents, as it is a malefic.
Here is the solar return/SR for 1956 when the father died (in September):
- The SR domicile lord of the 4th and domicile lord of the Lot of the Father in the natal chart (Venus) is overcome by both malefics and applying to them
- The exaltation lord of the 4th, the Moon, is in the 11th which is the 8th from the 4th
- Natally the Moon rules the 11th and ingresses onto the ICT
- The Lot of the Death of the Father is conjunct the SR Asc
- Both malefics oppose the SR IC – massive indications that the father will die this year.
How to predict death of mother
Nixon’s mother died in 1967. We see that Mercury took over the Decennials as major lord and Jupiter started distributing the months days before she died in September. Mercury rules the Lot of Death of the Mother and Jupiter rules the 11th sign by exaltation.
Thus both planets are accidentally determined to the death of the mother (even if one uses the 10th for the mother, being the 7th from the 4th and wife of the father, Mercury is in the 5th which is the 8th from the 10th, having to do with the mother’s death. So is Jupiter).
Here is the SR for 1967:
- SR Saturn is opposing the Lot of the Mother
- the Moon (now that the father has died as predicted that he would die first) in the 4th of parents and generally representing females/the mother, is combust
- The Moon rules the 11th natally of death of parents
- The Moon is in the 4th of SR applying to Mercury ruler of the Lot of the Death of the Mother
- The Moon is then overcome by Mars
- The Moon is applying to the Sun, which rules the 11th in the revolution, being the 8th from the 4th and showing the death of the other parent this year.
How to predict death of siblings
Here are the other 4 charts of family members’ deaths, as seen from native’s natal chart. However, bear in mind that when it comes to how predict death for brothers or sisters, it gets increasingly difficult to differentiate which one is meant. I mean, the first, second, fourth. It is a little easier to know the gender of the sibling though.
The Lot of Siblings (Asc + Jupiter – Saturn) and the Lot of the Death of Siblings (Asc +MC – Sun R).
Death of brother – 3rd brother dies age 7
1925 SR:
1st place profection year:
- Saturn conjunct SR IC which is the natal 3rd and he opposes it natally
- Mars arrives to conjunct the Lot of Siblings
- SR Mercury, ruling the 8th from the 3rd adheres to (conjuncts within 3 degrees) natal Mars, ruler of the third house and the Lot of Siblings – a strong indication that a sibling of the native will die this year.
You will notice that the Decennials – Moon/Moon are of no help. It is getting muddier with siblings.
How to predict death of brother (the oldest one dies)
1st brother dies age 23
1933 SR:
- SR Tail (South Node of the Moon) partile conjunct the antiscion of the Lot of Siblings
- Mars in the SR 3rd
- 9th place profection year, Saturn present; the directed Lot of Siblings has reached the bounds/confines of Saturn in Taurus and SR Saturn is conjunct the Lot by antiscion
- SR ruler of the 3rd house is overcome by sign by malefic Mars (Mars is in the 10th place relative to it) – strong indications that a sibling will die this year.
Again, the Decennials are not clear – Moon/Sun. At least in this case, probably because it is the oldest sibling, the Sun rules by exaltation both the Lot of Brothers and the Lot of the Death of Brothers.
How predict death of brother (2nd one – died at normal age)
death of 2nd brother age 73
SR 1987:
- 3rd place profection year, Mars (Lord of the Year – ruling the profected Asc) ingresses onto the Lot of Siblings
- transiting Head returns to the sign it is natally and is conjunct the Lot
- 1st place rises in the SR and hence Mars rules the 3rd as in the natal which reinforces its role
- Mercury, both natal and SR lord 8 from the 3rd overcomes within 3 degrees/scrutinizes the Lot of Siblings, and also overcomes its ruler Mars by sign
- SR Saturn ingresses onto natal Mars and closely opposes the bound/confine of the directed Lot of Siblings at about 14 Cancer by antiscion – massive indications that a sibling of the native will die this year.
Interestingly enough, the Decennials are Sun/Sun starting from 1987 (not shown). This time they are of help because one of the last times the Sun took over the Decennials a sibling died. Thus we have a repetition, which we are supposed to have noted and written down if necessary as this is the chart speaking and not some external technique.
How to predict death of wife
The last case shows the death of Richard Nixon’s wife and a companion of about 50 years.
Death of wife 1993
SR 1993:
9th place year: Saturn present, ruler Venus in the natal 7th of partners
- SR Saturn adheres/applies to conjunct within 3 degrees to the natal Moon, which rules the 7th in the revolution
- Also, SR Moon is conjunct the antiscion of natal Saturn who rules the SR 2nd
- Saturn rules the 2nd by exaltation (which is the 8th from the 7th in the nativity and shows the death of the partner) and is in the SR 2nd
- Saturn starts to distribute the bounds/confines of the Dsc in March 1993, 3 months before the wife’s death – incredibly strong indications that the wife will die this year.
So there you have it. This is how to predict death in the family from the chart of someone else: both on the natal level and then to time the prediction of death.
Of course this information presupposes you are an Astrology practitioner in order to understand or apply it. No worries though, as accessing it will greatly benefit other incarnations of your Higher Self which are in a position to take this treasure and apply it. Needless to say, this technique times the death of the body, which as you know from Matrix 5, is predetermined as well as the manner of death, by your Higher Self.
However, contemplating on the incredible interconnection between Higher Selves and the Game could potentially augment your own understanding and role as an incarnation. Thus, hopefully you can realize that every incarnation is important to the Higher Self in a very specific way, and by going beyond the prediction of death is ultimately Spirit ID information.
On a personal note, when death came to my family a while ago, it “took” two people (Higher Selves incarnates). I was able to predict that one would die from the chart of my sister, but failed to predict (until it was too late) that the other would die too, from my own chart. It was a truly joyous occasion for me as their bodies were really struggling and there was no point to prolong the suffering. In addition, it showed me time and time again that when the time comes for someone to die there is nothing that can be done about it, just as the Author of Matrix 5 says from his knowledge as well as shamanic training.
Some time later I went to visit them astrally. Some time passed and I came across one of them and the Spirit was still on Earth. Or as Robert Monroe calls it, trapped in the Earth rings.
P.S. Interestingly enough, Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, spiritual truths and liberation, yesterday rose heliacally (became astronomically visible on the eastern horizon just before sunrise) in Bulgaria (and regions with similar latitude and atmospheric refraction). On top of that, Jupiter is in its exaltation in tropical Cancer – an extremely powerful position and in the sign where the Asc of the Chart of the symbolic creation of the Cosmos (Thema Mundi) is.
Written in July 2013