An examination of the natal chart of Tiger Woods with Ancient Astrology is the subject of this article. In particular, I focus on the indications for weak eyesight and lust. I also use the fixed stars and certain configurations that are unlikely to be familiar to those who practise the modern astrological branch.
I wrote and published this article in October 2012 for the Hellenistic Astrology section of my Bulgarian blog. I have been meaning to translate it to English for my recently launched website. Levente Laszlo‘s recent translation of the material on the fixed stars by the Anonymous astrologer of the year 379 prompted me do so today. For those that are not familiar with Laszlo, I already wrote an article on the HOROI Project.
Who is Tiger Woods
Eldrick Tont Woods, known as Tiger Woods, is an American golfer. He is not only one of the most successful ones in history, but also one of the richest athletes on the planet. He earns 50-80 million US dollars a year.
My interest in his life is entirely astrological – I haven’t read his biography – nor do I even know the rules of the game of golf. But what I do know is that the scale of the sex scandals he’s been involved in is gigantic. I am also aware of the effect this has had on his reputation and wealth. In addition, I do not know of another athlete who is a benchmark for his sport and has such terribly poor eyesight. This must also be considered carefully.
I will try to be shorter, focusing only on the topics of interest to me and outlining the indications. Otherwise the article will be really long.
Indications for weak eyesight in the natal chart of Tiger Woods
Using the free astronomical software Stellarium that shows what is happening in the sky, we can see that “the Back of Leo (1)” has just risen (the green line is the horizon, the red line is the ecliptic, and their intersection is the Ascendant). That is, the natal chart of Tiger Woods contains the configuration you will read below.
Below is a quote from the freely available Treatise on the Bright Fixed stars by the Anonymous astrologer of the year 379. It was translated from Ancient Greek to Italian by Giuseppe Bezza and from Italian to English by Daria Dudziak.
Please note that when you see “…..” it means that I have skipped certain parts/indications in the text which are not present in the chart of Tiger Woods. Also, when I think that Robert Schmidt’s translation is more accurate, I have quoted from it and indicated so.
First, here is the horoscope of Tiger Woods. I took the data from
Astrological indications for weak vision or even loss of vision in the text of Anonymous of 379
On the degrees that produce and cause illnesses or else on the places that afflict the sight.
“Many of our predecessors stated that the malefic stars, when they are opposite to the luminaries or in quadrature (square ) to them or when they conjoin the luminaries (are conjunct to them) in degrees or in the signs which rise later, they harm the sight. This happens especially if in a nocturnal geniture Saturn watches the waning Moon in the above-mentioned way or when Mars in a diurnal nativity is configured to the waxing Moon in such a way, both by corporal union and by opposition as well as by quadrature and also when while the malefic stars are angular the luminaries rise after them…….”
“And (2) some of the ancients set out these things, which we ourselves can testify to. But there are also other places of the limbs of the zoidia having cloud-like clusters composed of small and almost invisible stars which have made for singular observation. If the Moon should be found to be situated upon these when it is under bond, and especially when it is in power (3) or marks the birth hour, or also if the Sun is so situated, even without the malefics looking ahead at them, they harm the eyes or make them dim.”
These places are:……the nebulosa (nebula-star cluster) which is near the eye of Sagittarius that lies in the 28th degree of this sign, Scorpio’s sting which is in the 30th degree of this sign, Leo’s braids, the austral (southern) one at the 27th degree (4)…..
If Saturn or Mars watch the Moon or the Sun that are in these places <or> even if one of them is in the degrees we have mentioned and it is angular and “is entangled in the lights (5)“, especially if it is in the place of setting or in the horoscope, the eyes of the person who is born in this situation will be damaged forever, if Jupiter or Venus do not observe the stars that produce the cause or the places or the decans……especially if in the nocturnal nativities Saturn rules over the place of the birth of illnesses and if Mars does the same in the diurnal nativities: in this way infirmities and illnesses reveal themselves and show their symptoms and the diseases become difficult to be treated and cured.
If the stars that send the diseases are towered above, dominated or irradiated by beneficent (benefic) stars, I mean Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, the diseases are curable and they are not stubborn or obstinate, but medium and easy to lighten and to be alleviated and sometimes they can be removed, especially if when one of the benefic stars is eastern (6), it watches the places that produce the cause. In particular, the star of Jupiter usually hides the infirmities and illnesses and relieves and alleviates the diseases thanks to richness or to human succour and assistance. If the star of Mercury observes the decans or the places we have mentioned in any way together with Jupiter, the illnesses and pains are removed or mitigated and alleviated owing to the doctors’ succour and assistance and due to the suitability of medicines”…..
Here is the lower part of the chart of Tiger Woods (the green line is the meridian, the red line is the ecliptic, their intersection is the 4th house cusp/IC.
Checking the above given astrological indications for eyesight problems
The chart of Tiger Woods is perfect for illustration. The more I look at it, the more confirming factors I notice that escaped me when I decided to write about it. Having shown that Asc is on such a cluster of stars injuring the eyes, I will continue naturally with the Moon, because Tiger Woods has a nocturnal chart and the Moon is the Sect Light. And so:
1) The Moon is not only waning, but will enter under Sun’s rays – the weakest possible position for a planet;
2) The Moon is not just in any house. It is in the anti-culminating place, and in conjunction with the 4th house cusp. This is the darkest place in the whole chart. The Moon is one of the Lights and therefore rules the eyes (the left in a male chart and the right in a female one). Being under the rays literally shows that it will lose all the light it has. Being at the bottom of the chart shows that one cannot see there.
3) The Moon regards both malefics (aside from configurations by portion, there are also configurations by zoidion/image);
4) It is a nocturnal chart;
5) The Moon is in power because it is in the right phase relative to the Sun and is in an angular place;
6) Zodiacally, the Moon is right on the Sting of the Scorpion. However, as can be seen from the picture above, there is some distance between the Moon and the star. (There are two stars shown in the Sting of the Scorpion: Schaula and Lesath, but they are written too closely together). This distance weakens the indication. If the Moon had had a bigger latitude in this chart, then the situation would have been as unfavorable as possible.
7) The Moon hurls a ray at the Ascendant, and a square one at that. This is an affliction when it comes to eyesight. But fortunately for Tiger Woods, the Moon is the primary trigon lord of the Ascendant and does not rule bad places. At least relative to the Asc itself.
What is the situation with the Sun and the other key points? After all, it is the other Light and rules the right eye in a male nativity and the left eye in a female one:
1) The Sun is not on a cluster of stars showing eye injury. I mean the Eye of Sagittarius is later zodiacally.
2) The Sun is ruled by a malefic who is contrary the sect, but at least they are in generosity. The Moon is ruled by the Greater Benefic;
4) Both Lights are below the horizon, even conjunct and very close to the 4th house cusp, which is the maximum negative reading in terms of vision. This is due to the fact that the farther one is from light, the less potentially he/she can see;
5) Kronos rules the place of diseases in this chart (which, as I have already said, is also nocturnal) – the 6th zoidion/image from the Asc;
6) The lord of the Ascendant – Hermes, is also below the horizon;
7) The lord of the Lot of Fortune – Aphrodite, is also below the horizon, and is overcome by the malefic Kronos, who is contrary to the sect.
Tiger Woods has undergone two laser eye surgeries so far. Prior to the first, his vision was minus 11, meaning he was almost legally blind. He believes that the surgery has helped him a lot in his career and is a good alternative to glasses and contact lenses.
Before the second laser surgery, Tiger said (7) that his eyesight had started to break down and that he got headaches from looking to one side and squinting.
After the second laser surgery, Tiger said that his vision had stayed the way it should have been for eight years. Woods added that this was pretty good.
Astrological indications for curing or relieving vision problems in the chart of Tiger Woods
Why, one would quite reasonably ask, in these extremely heavy configurations, Woods’ vision is not in a condition that would prevent him from competing? Not to mention at the top level. That is, does the nativity of Tiger Woods not contain any mitigating indications or such that release the native from this health issue?
And so:
“If the stars that send the diseases are towered above, dominated or irradiated by beneficent (benefic) stars, I mean Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, the diseases are curable and they are not stubborn or obstinate, but medium and easy to lighten and to be alleviated and sometimes they can be removed, especially if when one of the benefic stars is eastern, it watches the places that produce the cause.”
1) Aphrodite is eastern and although in a falling place, it is in detriment and overcome by a malefic (by regard and by antiscion). Aphrodite is of the sect, in triplicity, and is on the Dragon’s Head and aspects the Ascendant, which emphasizes its role. It is also the second trigon lord of the Ascendant;
2) Zeus regards both malefics by a trine and sextile on the right/the stronger position. Moreover, Zeus scrutinizes Ares and is received by Ares. Also, Zeus is the trigon and bound lord of Kronos. Zeus is not eastern but is in its trigon. Zeus is an evening star and made evening/second station 20 days before birth.
3) Both malefics are ruled by planets which are more benefic in this chart and are placed a good house – respectively the Lesser one by Hermes and the Greater One by the Sun, being in generosity;
4) The lord of the Ascendant – Hermes, is not only astronomically visible, it is eastern, an evening star, of the sect and in a good place. Moreover, Hermes is averse to both malefics. That is, it is strong as a stone;
5) The configurations of the Moon with the malefics are only by regard/zoidion and not by testimony or scrutinizing;
6) The other Light, the Sun, is averse to both malefics;
7) I can’t and shouldn’t ignore the technologies that weren’t available in the past;
“In particular, the star of Jupiter usually hides the infirmities and illnesses and relieves and alleviates the diseases thanks to richness or to human succour and assistance.”
Tiger Woods received money from TLC Laser Eye Centers to endorse them. Zeus rules the 8th place of financial partnerships in his chart.
I also read somewhere, but at the moment I do not find it, that one of the two times at least Woods was operated with the help of some newly developed technology that came to him just in time.
Indications for lust in the chart of Tiger Woods
I will start this topic again with a quote from the same text by Anonymous of 379. I use the same two sources mentioned above:
On the places that excite and provoke passions
or on the parts of the enigmatic signs of Aries, of Taurus, of Leo and of Capricorn
“In the circle of the signs there are other places lying in the limbs of the figures wherein there are not any stars of the first or of the second magnitude, but smaller, minor stars which have however a sufficient and perhaps immutable force. These stars are observed especially as far as the sensitive part of the soul and of the mind as well as the infirmities and illnesses of the body are concerned. First of all men and women who are born when the following parts rise or ascend at the same time at the horoscope:……. and moreover the back of Leo from 25 degrees to 30 degrees …..incur emotional disorders, depressions and passions”
“When these places ascend at the same time and rise, as we have explained above, they urge and induce people who are born in this situation to act immorally and dissolutely, not only towards women, but also towards young boys and to delight in the pleasures against nature and with women that submit and yield to passions and are subject to flows (29) and are also obscene and indecent….. (8) (30)”
“Therefore, since the minds of these men and women are troubled and disturbed by unalterable, immutable motion of the stars they commit sins in their affairs and sexual relationships because of impetus and outburst of desire and lust and they treat themselves in all the ways, often unpleasantly, roughly and without respect and they often practise pleasures against nature. Then, if the star of Venus is in one of these enigmatic signs; Aries, Taurus, Leo and Capricorn, and it is watched by Mars or by Saturn when it is in the limbs or in the places of the signs that, as we explained before, excite and provoke passions, a person who is born in this situation is overwhelmed by the filthiest, the most shameless and indecent transports.
Whether it happens in a manifest, evident way or in a hidden one, is indicated by the rising or the occultation of the same stars that produce and cause affections and disorders of such a kind, I mean Venus and Mars or Venus and Saturn, especially when they are configured in an adverse, contrary way, by means of a quadrature or a diameter (opposition) or when one of them rises or culminates: in that case, in truth, the natives will reveal their passions in a public, generally-known, notorious way. Just as practising pleasures against nature can not subsist if the desire of passion and ineluctability of the destiny (32) do not come true and are fulfilled before, in the same way the sordid perception of the pleasure of desires makes some people subject to complications, to deceits and frauds, losses, enmities and hostilities, sentences and punishments, if the star of Jupiter does not keep away a part of harms and misfortunes testifying the star of Venus in some way.”
Checking the above given indications for lust
At first glance, things do not seem excessive at all. The chart of Tiger Woods indicates that the predominant temperament is melancholic. Why? Because the Asc is a melancholic zoidion. The ruler of the chart, who is also the ruler of the Ascendant – Hermes, is a melancholic planet and is in a melancholic zoidion. (The Moon and the Sun/season are phegmatic though.) The Moon and Hermes aspect the Ascendant most closely, and they are not lustful planets.
It takes a deeper look to reveal this chart. Namely, one of the things is that the Lion’s Back rises.
Another is that the lord of the Asc, although a barren planet, is in the place of entertainment and sex and is in a lustful zoidion.
Aphrodite is in zoidion of sexual organs and Aphrodite is a very lustful planet. The latter is reinforced by the fact that it not only is the second triplicity lord of the Asc, but also aspects it with a zoidia related hexagon/strong sextile. Moreover, Aphrodite can easily be counted even as the main lord of the place of marriage and women, because Zeus is averse from its zoidion Pisces, the 7th house. And Aphrodite aspects it with a zoidia related triangle/strong trine and is of the sect.
The other key thing that stands out is that the lord of the 12th place is in the 5th and the lord of the 5th is in the 12th. That is, the self-sabotage of the native is connected with his pastimes and sexual life and the native suffers humiliation as a result of his pastimes. This is because Kronos is in detriment. Although both planets are in generosity and mitigate to some extent, Kronos walks backwards, and the two planets are contrary to the sect… ..I dare not write this because I do not have the permission of Tiger Woods, and he is still alive. Also, Kronos strikes with a ray the Lot of Lust, which increases the indications of lust, and Kronos is in a lustful zoidion as well, namely Leo – as per Rhetorius;
Hermes, also in a lustful zoidion, the Goat-Horned One aka Capricorn, and scrutinizes Aphrodite with a hexagon. Although the latter will leave change zoidion before Hermes perfects the configuration, this figure is still counted as valid. I will not dwell on it – there is already an abundant number of indications. Suffice it to say that the lord of the Ascendant scrutinizes the victor of the 7th house – the native is the one that actively seeks out the fornication act, because his planet is swifter.
Ares and Hermes are also in generosity (each are in the other’s domicile or exaltation, or mixed, and averse), meaning that 5th place is related to 10th. That is, the entertainment and sex life of the native are related to his actions and reputation (Hermes rules the Lot of Spirit as well).
Here is also something interesting. According to Hellenistic Astrology, it is Ares, not Aphrodite, that rules public prostitution. Another thing to note is that Ares rules the 3rd place, where Aphrodite is, and the latter is in detriment. Since Tiger Woods is a world figure, I would say that the 3rd place, aside from siblings and travel, also shows news/writings about him. So we literally have failed sexuality and scandals coming because of Tiger’s actions. And the Dragon’s Head inflates this aspect of his chart and makes it excessive. I would also like to remind you that Aphrodite co-rules the place of marriage and women.
Whether the native’s lust will manifest in an overt or covert way
As to whether these overwhelming feelings of lust will manifest openly or covertly, I point your attention again the passage from Anonymous of 379:
“Whether it happens in a manifest, evident way or in a hidden one, is indicated by the rising or the occultation of the same stars that produce and cause affections and disorders of such a kind, I mean Venus and Mars or Venus and Saturn, especially when they are configured in an adverse, contrary way, by means of a quadrature or a diameter (opposition) or when one of them rises or culminates: in that case, in truth, the natives will reveal their passions in a public, generally-known, notorious way. Just as practising pleasures against nature can not subsist if the desire of passion and ineluctability of the destiny (32) do not come true and are fulfilled before, in the same way the sordid perception of the pleasure of desires makes some people subject to complications, to deceits and frauds, losses, enmities and hostilities, sentences and punishments, if the star of Jupiter does not keep away a part of harms and misfortunes testifying the star of Venus in some way.”
Aphrodite is eastern, as is Kronos, the two stars are in a configuration (tetragonal by regard and diametrical by antiscion), and Ares is in the 10th place, though retreating from the 10th house cusp. That is, we have almost 4 out of 4 that it will happen in an open and public way! I say “almost” because Ares is not only retreating from the 10th house but is western and an evening star, as its cosmical setting happened 8 days before birth. Otherwise it would have been even worse.
Zeus is averse to Aphrodite, although the zoidia Aries and Scorpio are related because they have the same lord, Ares. But at least in terms of Tiger’s fame and popularity, Zeus is very closely associated with the Lights. It has the testimony of the Sun and rules the Moon by domicile. Not only that, but Zeus is ruled by exaltation and overcome by the Sun, which is an extremely positive indication in terms of the native’s fame and popularity. Moreover, although Zeus is in a bad place, namely the 8th, Zeus is in a stake of the Lot of Fortune and none of the Lights is in a bad house.
Another key thing is that the malefic planets contain (9) the fifth zoidion of sexuality in the chart of Tiger Woods. That is, we have Ares in Gemini and Kronos in Leo, who are averse to the place in question/Capricorn. However, their rays fall between the two zoidia that surround the Goat-Horned One/Capricorn, namely – Sagittarius by diameter and triangle, and the Water Pourer/Aquarius by hexagon and diameter, respectively. Fortunately, the chart of Tiger Woods has a mitigating indication here as well. Namely: Zeus breaks this containment and witnesses the Sun by 7 portions. Zeus manages to break this containment, because although Zeus is in a bad place from the Horoscope, the planet is in a place conducive to business from the fifth house in question. It’s even at a stake from it.
Facts about the sex scandals of Tiger Woods
I quote and translate from Wikipedia facts about sex scandals in Tiger’s life, intentionally (for now) omitting the dates and names of newspapers and corporations:
“A supermarket tabloid published a story claiming that Woods had an extramarital affair with the manager of a nightclub in New York – a claim she denied.
Days later, Woods made a new statement admitting “wrongdoing” and apologizing to “all those who have supported him over the years,” while reiterating his desire for his family to enjoy their right to privacy. The Moon as a universal significator of family life is conjunct the subterraneous pivot point, the darkest place of the chart. Over the next few days, more than 12 women claimed in various media that they had had an affair with Woods. The 7th place of marriage and relationships is in a double-bodied and fruitful zoidion, and its exalted lord, Aphrodite is also in a fruitful zoidion and naturally denotes women and pleasures.
Later, he made a third statement, acknowledging his infidelities and apologizing again, and that he was taking an “indefinite break from professional golf.” In the days and months following the confessions of infidelity, several companies reevaluated their relationship with him. 4 of them (corporations) completely terminated the sponsorship deals. Another dropped him from its advertising and officially ended his relationship with him when their contract expired. One magazine “froze” Tiger’s golf column. However, other companies continued to support him (Zeus in 8th place of financial partnerships protects him). One study estimated that shareholder loss caused by Woods’ sexual relations were between $ 5 billion and $ 12 billion.
Woods later made a televised statement stating that he had been on a 45-day therapy program. He apologized again for the actions:
“I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to,” he said. “I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled. Thanks to money and fame, I didn’t have to go far to find them. I was wrong. I was foolish.”
Conclusion and forthcoming part 2 of this article
The purpose of this article was to highlight these two accidents (10) from the life of the American golf champion.
I remind you again that this is Hellenistic Astrology. This is something really different and one of its goals is to study fate.
Here is another quote from Anonymous of 379:
„Just as practising pleasures against nature can not subsist if the desire of passion and ineluctability of the destiny (32) do not come true and are fulfilled before”.
The goal of the astrologer is not to characterize an event / accident in a chart as “good” or “bad”. It is simply to describe its essence and significance in the life of the native, to predict when it will happen and what will follow from it, so that the native can take some precautionary measures, if possible.
I also want to say this, although it should be taken for granted. Woods reached these heights precisely because of his character. The chart of Tiger Woods contains even more information about his character and life.
In part two of this article I will present, for the first time in the Bulgarian Internet space, Hellenistic astrological techniques for accurate prediction/timing of the realization of these two events. In other words, I will explore the chart of Tiger Woods horoscope on a dynamic level and how the natal promise is activated.
1 This is how the ancient astrologer, known as Anonymous of 379, refers to what astronomers call Coma Berenices.
2 I have taken this paragraph from Schmidt’s translation.
3 Schmidt’s footnote: According to Antiochus, “Each one of the planets is said to be in power whenever it should happen to be in its own house, exaltation, boundaries, proper phase, configuration, or in some more vigorous place of the twelve-placement.”
4 To update all these positions from the text to the year 2000, one must add slightly over 24 portions/degrees. Alternatively, and easier for those of us using the tropical Zodiac, is to calculate the chart with the sidereal Zodiac (Aldebaran 15) and note the star positions as given in the text and whether they are conjunct the angles/planets in question, or rise with them. (Just make sure to compare the given positions with another ancient author to make sure that the first source does not contain some mistake). This is because Aldebaran with always remain at 15 sidereal Taurus, the Sting of the Scorpion will always remain at 29 sidereal Scorpio, etc.
5 I have taken this phrase from Schmidt’s translation. Bezza has “and it moves towards the luminaries”. Schmidt’s footnote: This may mean containment by the lights. According to Antiochus, “there is containment [emperischesis] whenever two planets should have one mean according to any figure whatever, with no other planet among those in the middle hurling rays within 7 degrees ahead or behind.
6 Schmidt has “when it is rising”. I don’t know Ancient Greek and cannot tell whether this phrase means one of the benefics is: eastern, morning, or pertaining to rising/making a phasis.
7 In my original article in Bulgarian, I was able to find quotes from Woods and translated them to Bulgarian. Today, 8 years later, I tried finding these quotes online but was unable to. As a result, I have not given them as quotes but have paraphrased them.
8 Schmidt says this is an euphemism for fellatio or cunnilingus.
9 Perichesis, which Schmidt translates as “Containment”. This definition is given by Porphyry. There is a difference of opinion between Schmidt vs Chris Brennan, Ben Dykes, and Demetra George. Schmidt claims that containment happens by figure, while the three think that it happens by zoidion/regard. My own opinion coincides with the three, namely that it does not have to be by figure and as such it not have to be that tight or exact.
10 The accidents of the native, a term from Ancient Astrology coming from Latin, are events and characteristics in his/her life that are not inherent to that person. The native is represented by the Ascendant and its lord. In other words, these events and characteristics are additions, they are something external. However, they do not occur in an accidental/coincidental way. Therefore this phrase has a very different meaning from what it implies.
Very interesting analysis of the chart. I started reading the translated text and the author at the beginning talks a lot about the bright stars, their different positions in the chart and different meanings in the individual’s life according to their position. Is he referring to Venus and Jupiter here? Thanks!
Sorry now I realize that he talks about specific fixed stars
Thanks for your comment, David. Indeed, it is not just the given fixed stars, for many people have such configurations. But when the stars and these planets are combined, then it becomes very powerful and too often overwhelming.