astrology length of life

Hyleg and Alchocoden s

Hyleg and Alchocoden: Misleading the Astrological Community

Hyleg and Alchocoden has become somewhat of a well-known concept in the astrological community. In this article I explain how certain well-meaning but insufficiently educated astrologers mislead the community by presenting the Hyleg and Alcocoden as the original system of length of life calculation in Astrology. Why it is crucial to know the differences between

Hyleg and Alchocoden: Misleading the Astrological Community Read More »

Dividing the lifespan in Astrology s

How Dividing the Lifespan in Ancient Astrology is the Same as in Chinese Face Reading

In this article I explain how dividing the lifespan in Astrology is the same as in Chinese Face Reading. The human life can be divided in two or three parts. When does the second part of life start according to Ancient Astrology? When does the third part of life start? There are different techniques for

How Dividing the Lifespan in Ancient Astrology is the Same as in Chinese Face Reading Read More »

General Wallenstein's horoscope

General Wallenstein’s Horoscope with Ancient Astrology

My interests currently are lying elsewhere, but so it happened today that I decided to write and share this article about General Wallenstein’s horoscope with Ancient Astrology. The reason for this is that last night I was watching a video about astronomy and calculating the declination and right ascension of stars, and the one full

General Wallenstein’s Horoscope with Ancient Astrology Read More »