Predictive Astrology never ceases to impress me. And I love that. I absolutely love the feeling of seeing how Astrology is right; again and again. The feeling of being shown the chart of an anonymous human being and you delineating and predicting things, in an unambiguous manner, and they turning out to be true. But I never take this feeling for granted, as I want to view every natal chart with a detached view and in an objective way. This is the ONLY way one will be able to handle what the chart shows, no matter what it is.
Predictive Astrology has been attacked as well as diluted by various external screens
Astrology, the real ancient most powerful branch I mean of course, has suffered so much at the hands of lack of knowledge, missing sources, change of philosophy. It has been attacked for centuries by religion, particularly the monotheistic types. And last but not least, predictive Astrology has, at least indirectly, suffered because of psychology.
As a result of all these, plus the significant influence of the ignorant-by-default mass media, astrologers have started viewing the chart with the above screens. They rarely have a chance, unless trained to do so, to examine the chart in an impartial way and let it speak. Not to interpret it, because the astrologer has nothing to add, but to read what it says.
Why is this of utmost importance? Because of the countless variety of astrological dispositios/chart configurations. The problem is that astrologers make assumptions. They allow these invisible screens to influence their judgement. As a result, they read the chart as what it “ought to be” rather than what it is. They assume that pretty much any chart they see belongs to a “normal”, “regular” human being. In other words, it belongs to a native who is no different than any of the people they read charts for.
Predictive Astrology: different grades of horoscopes require different delineation
As a result of the above, astrologers get used to seeing immobile charts or regular charts. I mean the natal charts of normal, everyday average people. For such horoscopes Vettius Valens says that the taking over of the benefics does not produce advancement, nor does the taking over of malefics produce loss of status. As such, the delineations given by ancient authors seem “exaggerated”, “absurd”, “too harsh”, “inhuman”, “uncaring”, “belonging to a primitive era”, “focusing on the physical”, etc. This is because these modern astrologers fail to recognize what is being conveyed in the ancient sources. However, for those of us that know, it comes at no surprise.
The eminent natal chart I was shown
So what does this have to do with the topic of the article? Well, just the other day I was shown the chart of an anonymous native and asked to make a quick delineation of the topic of that native’s children. I mean, whether they will have, how many children the native will haveg, whether they will live etc. The friend of mine that gave me the chart, deliberately gave no further information, except that the native is a female.
I delineated that the native will have children, but she will see the death of at least some of them, if not all of them. The dispositio is so tricky, with both malefics and benefics, that it is really one of those most difficult to figure out. And it also includes the domicile lord of the Ascendant. I even doubted at some point that she would have children (until I was told who the Captain of her chart was).
What I also noticed was that this native is very wealthy, and in fact she has quite an eminent chart. For instance, another native whose chart I was given, has a somewhat similar dispositio and is wealthy, but their eminence is not high. As a result, the wealth between the two cannot be really compared. That is even though we are talking way, way higher than the middle class.
Anyway, what turned out is that the female native I was given the chart of by my friend, has more than 1 child, and they are all still fine. However, that native has so far survived 2 assassination attempts. She was shot and almost died on the first one, and her boyfriend even more so. She also survived the second assassination attempt, but her boyfriend did not.
Astrology’s predictive power
One does not see such charts every day, do they? So how did I do it? What was it that allowed me to so authoritatively say what I did? Well, several factors. First of all, I was reading the chart itself, not knowing anything and being as impartial as one can be. Then I used my significant experience and had the “guts”, if you will, to say what I said.
My usual thanks to the website as well as the author for the free picture:
I did not know how exactly correct the prediction would be, that is the specifics, although one can get the general nature of the events by delineating the nature of the afflicting planets. You will notice that one may even argue that my prediction was entirely incorrect. My answer is that I spent 5 minutes on the chart and I was focused on the native’s children, just as my friend told me to.
Anyway, the point is that the chart is full of wealth and death among other things. Moreover, the crucial factor is the different nature of the nativity itself. As such, the roads the fates take in signifying the guiding of that person’s destiny, as shown by the planets, are different, because this is not the regular, everyday type of chart.
Ancient Astrology shows the whole life of the native and predictions can happen decades later
Of course, it is not just that recognition that allowed me to predict death. I have seen similar dispositios before, where of course the native has seen the death of their child or children. The thing is that Astrology shows the whole life. As such, the efficacy of such predictions can only be judged at a much later time. This is because when the native is born with such a configuration and they may be 20-30 years old when they see a competent Ancient Astrology practitioner and hear that they will see the death of one of their children or of all of them.
Such an event may happen in 10 years or even in 40+ years, and I know of such charts. Of course, when exactly it will happen is a matter of specific prediction, which entails examining all the years of the native’s life as well as their child’s natal chart. Said differently, it entails more predictive Astrology. The astrologer, however, must be very careful and thorough in the delineation part! I have seen cases where similar placements do not show death but estrangement, exile etc. It will also depend on other factors as well.
The bottom line is whether one is comfortable in making such bold statements when using predictive Astrology. Also, it is, the client’s responsibility to handle the information the astrologer provides. If the client cannot do that, then they should say upfront, or they should not be asking such questions. Of course, this will in no way influence what the fate is because it is, naturally, entirely outside of their control as it involves the fate of another person. That is why I titled this article this way. I would also like to say that I have clients who do not want the “bad news”. They do not want to hear/read the challenging predictions. I respect that. Not everyone can handle Astrology’ predictive power. As long as the two parties say everything upfront, and hence know what to expect, how can there arise misunderstanding?
Predictive Astrology is not about scaring people
I want to emphasize that Ancient predictive Astrology is not about scaring people or making them despair. It is about communicating what the chart shows in an objective and compassionate way. However, for this to happen and for the astrologer to be in a position to predict, they need to delineate the WHOLE chart. It may well turn out that while some topics will be very difficult, others will be rewarding and uplifting. Thus the client would know what to expect and what to actively focus on and pursue, rather than be at the mercy of the twists and turns of the fates.